



2024-07-11 18:35:42 来源:网络


初中英语题就急急急急急急急急急急急... -
1.Go across【cross】the bridge.2.Excuse me .Where are【be】the twins?3.There are many restaurants【restaurant】in our town.4.选D The teacher 's desk is ———the classroom.A.in front B.in the front C.in front of D.in the front of 5.Sun Hotel is across from St后面会介绍。
1. “When did you ___ the new motorbike?”“Well, I ___ it for half a month.”A. have; have bought B. buy; have had C. buy; have bought D. have; have had 为什么要选D?答:我也有此问!我认为正确答案是B。译:你什么时候买的这辆新摩托车?嘿,我拥有它长希望你能满意。


几道初中英语题i急急急急急急急急急 -
1 swimming 理由:go+doing 此处went是go的过去式。2 had 理由:last Sunday是上星期天,过去式。have的过去式是had 3 grew 理由:两年以后这棵小树长成了大树。已经长成了是过去式。grow过去式注意是grew 4 picked 理由:last week是上周,过去式。pick的过去式是picked 5 flowers 理由:many说明是等我继续说。
初中英语,求答案与解析,急,非常急 -
解析在括号里:1、The story _itself__(it) is interesting,but it's a little difficult for their nothers.(故事本身有趣,这里填一个反身代词)2、Zhang Jike,a 23-year-old player,won the gold medal in the __men's_(man) singles of the Would Table Tennis Chanpionships last 等我继续说。
首先,这是个条件句,主将从现,第二空填will have to。其次,噪音被阻止,是被动含义,又是否定,故用be not done .20. 句意:请把所有的数字都加起来,看看总共是多少。add to 增添 add up 加起来 add up to 加起来总计have + 宾语+ done (过去分词)使。。。被做21到此结束了?。
几道初中英语选择题,急! -
1There are many beautiful flowers. I love them( A )A.all B.everyone C.both D.each 前面说many flowers, 应该说的是我全部都喜欢,用all做同位语2It ( D ) rain this afternoon but I'm not sure A.will B.can C.must D.may 选A语法也没错误,主要是根据I'm not sure(..
你好,同学,很高兴回答你的问题正确答案如下:用所给词的适当形式填空Cai Yilin is a popular 【singer 】 and we all like her.蔡依林是一个著名的歌手,我们都喜欢她。Each of them 【has】a new book.他们每个人都有一本新书。each of + 复数名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词用单数,因为希望你能满意。
初中英语 求大神解答 谢谢 -
66.December is the twelfth month of year. 12月是一年中的第十二个月67.The cute girl is behind me 那个可爱的女孩在我身后68.How is the weather in spring 春天的天气怎样的69.What is your favourite month 你最喜欢哪个月70.What does she speak in U.S.她在美国讲什么话等我继续说。
sb for sth 1.使某人为某事做好准备2. 使某人做好准备3. 使……对……有准备4. 使做好准备翻译:在我们的生活中我们没有准备好受这种冲击,我们都不记得做一个决策出来,我们只记得我们是很重要的。其他的词,在句子中翻译不通顺我们很怕父亲,我们认为在父亲眼中,我们不是好孩子。